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The oversized crystal quartz is a masterpiece volume, 14 mm large grain.
Round 14mm crystal quartz with faceted cuts
A prong-type pendant necklace with four claws.
Large crystal quartz with high transparency is difficult to obtain, so we will deliver it in a limited quantity.
Crystal quartz is a natural stone that is also designated as the national stone of Japan.
A 1.2mm double rope chain that is particular about the chain.
The supple and delicate double rope chain enhances the grade.
Two types of chain lengths are available. Please choose from 40 cm and 45 cm.
All parts including the chain are resistant to discoloration Argentium Silver ® 935 *.
It is twice as strong as sterling silver and easy to clean.
It has beautiful hexagonal prism crystals with sharp points, and the colorless and transparent ones are called quartz. The English name for crystal, Rock crystal, was given to distinguish between natural crystal and glass. In the olden days, it was called "Hari" and was prized. Many large clusters are produced in Brazil, which is a major production area. It is also famous as a gemstone with a high healing effect.
* [Argentium Silver]
It is a dream-like silver that contains more germanium than usual, does not turn black like ordinary silver, and maintains a virtually turnish-free (non-sulfurized) beauty.
You can enjoy the soft shine peculiar to silver with simple care. If it becomes cloudy like K18, you can regain its brilliance by lightly polishing it with a soft cloth.
In addition, it is about twice as strong as conventional sterling silver.
Monstera leaf's Argentium Silver products are 93.0% pure silver alloyed with 7% copper and germanium.
Materials: Crystal Quartz, Argentium Silver® 935
Size: Length 21mm x Width 16mm x Depth 10.5mm (Stone size round 14mm)
1.2mm double rope chain
Stone setting: Claw clasp
[Crystal quartz <Crystal quartz>]
The Japanese name for crystal is white crystal. It is the birthstone for April.
The main production area is Brazil.
Mohs hardness is 7, and it is classified as a semi-precious stone.
Crystal Quartz Jewels Words: Conscience, Pureness, Innocence, Nurturing and Prospering Life, Harmony of All
It has beautiful hexagonal prism crystals with sharp points, and the colorless and transparent ones are called quartz. The English name for crystal, Rock crystal, was given to distinguish between natural crystal and glass. In the olden days, it was called "Hari" and was prized. Many large clusters are produced in Brazil, which is a major production area. It is also famous as a gemstone with a high healing effect. It is a natural stone that is also designated as the national stone of Japan. April birthstone. There are also crystal glass, but Monstera leaf handles crystal quartz as a mineral (natural stone). Quartz does not have cleavage (cleavage is a phenomenon found in minerals that easily cracks in a specific direction), so it enables free design such as complicated engraving.
Crystal Quartz Volume Large Pendant Necklace
- 天然素材のため色・模様に個体差があります。また、天然石に含まれるクラック(内キズ)やインクルージョン(シミ)等は天然石ならではの魅力と考えておりますのでご理解のうえお求めください
- シルバーの特徴として時間が経つにつれ変色する性質(硫化)があります。市販のポリッシュクロスや重曹できれいにすることができます。強く擦りすぎますと傷になる場合がありますので優しくお手入れをされることが綺麗を保つ秘訣です
Monstera leafのアルゲンティウムシルバー製品はシルバーの純度93.0%に銅とゲルマニウムが7%合金されています