Agate Chalcedony Jewelry
[Agate <Agate>, Chalcedony <Chalcedony>]
Agate Japanese name: Agate August birthstone
Main production areas: Africa, South America, etc.
Mohs hardness: 6.5-7 Classified as a semi-precious stone
Agate Jewel Words: Interpersonal Relationships, Longevity, Health
Agate companions are numerous. A natural stone called chalcedony is also a kind of agate. The striped chalcedony is agate, and the non-striped is chalcedony. Among them, the red one is called carnelian, the green one is called chrysophrase, and the black one is called onyx. Blue chalcedony and white chalcedony are also related to agate. The ones with beautiful red and white stripes are called sardonyx.
<Handling Agate and Chalcedony>
Agate and chalcedony are highly durable and chemically resistant stones.